Galapagos rice rats

Extinct in 1929-1934

Galapagos rice rats in LOST ZOO

    Galapagos Rice rats

    The endemic Galapagos rice rats originally inhabited with 7 species in 3 genera the Galapagos Islands.

    Galapagos Rice rats

    They are mainly nocturnal, but can be found active also during the day. They inhabit burrows or rock crevices under bushes or live in lava channels.

    Galapagos Rice rats

    They fed on grass, seeds and fruits, but take also insects, worms and other carnivorous food.

    Galapagos Rice rats

    The introduction of the ubiquitous Ship rat and the increasing number of settlers on the Galapagos are believed to have led to the extinction of four of the endemic Galapagos Rice rat species.

    Galapagos rice rats

    Except two species of bats the Galapagos Rice rats are the only mammals which have ever lived on the Galapagos Islands before the humans came to the islands. The closest relative is the Yellowish rice rat which lives in coastal Ecuador and Peru.

    Body length: 20-30 cm (depending on the species).

    Tail length: 11-15 cm.

    Habitat:Dry shrub land, living in the burrows or rock crevices under bushes.

    Extinction: 1929-1934, when European settlers introduced invasive species to the islands.

    Cape lion